Intelligent Quote

Using the convenience of ACEDELLY LINE@

Using the ACEDELLY LINE@ quotation robot, both quotation and inventory management can be addressed in one step, reducing transaction costs and shortening delivery periods.

Let’s start adding friends now

Search for the LINE official account (ACEDELLY) and add friends to start searching freely.

Add ACEDELLY LINE@ by QR code! Search for 'ACEDELLY' on LINE's Official account! After joining the official account, click chat to start querying material number inventory and quotation.

How to use LINE@ instant search function

Please input [material number] directly into the message
For example:
※ To inquire about JST brand, you can input "PHR-2" or "PHR-02".
For other JST material numbers, input the complete material such as "02T-JWPF-VSLE-S" or "SWPR-001T-P025".

※ To inquire about MOLEX, input "22-05-7025", "22057025", or "5268-02A".

※ To inquire about Sumitomo, input "6180-3241" or "7160-8234".

Chat to start querying material number inventory and quotation.

Bulk purchasing for company accounts

Utilize the function icon below LINE@ and click directly on the company for inquiries.

If the material is not found or the material number is not certain, you can also use the function icon below to directly negotiate with live customer service in no time.

There're Company introduction, corporate inquiry, live customer service and operation instructions at ACEDELLY LINE@
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